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Tools ALIVE: Daily Quests – Pilot

ALIVE: Daily Quests – Pilot

Course Free Non-profit

This is a pilot testing of the application of a new psychological model called ALIVE. The acronym ALIVE stands for Actively Living and Interconnecting Vitally in one’s Embedded-world, which essentially means to engage in doing what’s important to you, connect with others and have a sense of belonging.

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Do more of what matters in this groundbreaking pilot course.

About the course

ALIVE comprises three fundamental skills that can be practiced:

  • Tune into what we see, feel, think and perceive
  • See that we have possibilities to chose our actions, even in challenging circumstances
  • Choose to act in a way that’s meaningful, as the person we want to be

Research has shown that people who engage in an ALIVE-related intervention tend to recover faster from sickness, are more satisfied with life and less depressed. ALIVE has also been linked to a number of other positive outcomes.

In this first version of the course we will not save or store your answers anywhere, so if you want to be able to get back to your own answers and reflections, you’ll need to write them down or take a screen shot. As this is a pilot testing of both the content and the format with daily quests and check-ins, we would really appreciate your feedback.

What will I learn?

In life, it’s easy to loose track of what’s important and the things that are meaningful to us. In this novel course format you will be able to try out new ways of approaching your daily go-abouts with small daily quests, challenging you to break a habit, push your boundaries, try new social behaviors or chose to do something meaningful at this very moment.

How does it work?

In this course you will get a daily quest: a brief push notification with instructions to do something in a different way than you usually do it.

You will get a daily quest for six days a week on a random time point during the first half of the day. Each day you will be offered to do a brief check-in at the end of the day where you can share your thoughts, read other’s reflections and evaluate today’s quest.

Once a week you are offered to share your experiences in a live video sharing group with other participants.

Who created this course?

This course has been created by Frank W. Bond and Jonathan R. Dowling from Goldsmiths, University of London (2020)

About 29k

29k is a Swedish foundation and one of the initiating partners of the IDGs initiative. 29k's mission is to democratize access to inner development. 29k does this via a non-profit, open-source digital platform that provides free access to evidence-based psychological tools for mental health and inner development. All interventions are co-created together with leading researchers on the topic in question. Check out more at

Most relevant skills

Openness and Learning Mindset
Perspective Skills

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The IDG Toolkit uses two licenses: CC-BY-SA-4.0 for content (except images), and AGPL-3.0 for software. Learn more on GitHub